Hello Definex users,
We appreciate your support and concern for our project since the beginning.
As we had announced to the community, The Tswap Rewards program will start at 13:00 (UTC) on March 29, 2021.
Definex is a DeFi solution for swapping ETH and ERC-tokens directly without the need for counterparties base on the automated market maker (AMM) protocol. DSWAP is the official core asset of Definex based on Ethereum, a total of 6.9 million DSWAP were created and made available.
Please follow us to not miss your chance to make profit with https://dswap.mydefinex.com/ and other interesting programs in the future.
For further information, please don’t feel hesitate to contact us by submitting ticket to https://defiswap.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
Thank you,