Due to Uniswap upgrade from V2.0 to V3.0, resulting in disruption of DSWAP/USDT token liquidity.
Hello our valued customers,
We would like to say thank you for your favor of our project.
We are pleased to announce that due to Uniswap upgrade from V2.0 to V3.0, resulting in disruption of DSWAP/USDT token liquidity.
Definex is focused on providing platforms that support trading and swapping cryptocurrencies in faster, safer, simpler, and more secure In addition, the Definex ecosystem has the ability to expand into the fields and services of Smart-contract, P2P, IEO.
Please follow us to not miss your chance to make profit with https://dswap.mydefinex.com/ and other interesting programs in the future.
For further information, please don’t feel hesitate to contact us by submitting ticket to https://defiswap.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
Thank you,